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Evidence Based Horsemanship
A Model Whose Time Has Come
What is EBH?
Evidence- Based Horsemanship is based on the Scientist-Practitioner model it involves assessing and integrating scientific findings to inform decisions and create “best practices” in all areas of horse training and care based on empirical outcomes.
Blending Science & Horsemanship
EBH combines empirical data and scientific research with an intimate understanding of the horse’s nervous system.
Reader Review
“I’m a huge fan of your book – it is the perfect marriage of horsemanship and science. For example – we look for the horse to ‘lick and chew’ as a sign of relaxation and thinking and it I found it tremendously helpful to learn about the physiological reasons for this. It was one of those ‘duh’ moments – so apparently obvious.”
Evidence-Based Horsemanship can benefit all horses and horse owners